Friday, 1 November 2019

OH 20 The Happenings in August to October

I have seen my reluctance to come to this blog of mine as nothing much is happening here in OH. My last post was in November 2018. I have come again now in September 2019.

The sky opened up in August like  never before in Ahmedabad. OH and around had seen heavy rains. The rains have brought mosquitoes and uncontrolled growth of vegetation. There was no fumigation done all through , which should be  a proactive action from the society management. The upkeep and maintenance has gone down by few notches. 😏😔😢😡

August 15, 2019

OH has celebrated Independence Day on August 15, 2019. The same old practices of chairman unfurling the flag. His marching towards the flag along with the guards is a real funny scene as none of them are in sync. Why do it then? Lots of speeches and patriotic outbursts. 😊 We need to change the way of celebrating this day. This one day patriotism serves no purpose. How about taking a step ahead and do something concrete? Let's keep this day for doing something enjoyable. Do we really need to write patriotism on sleeves and show it to the world? It would be a great idea to have a good play enacted by the residents (I can direct one 😊 ) in the evening or a live music programme to celebrate this day of independence. Something out of the box entertainment ideas.

After flag hoisting, snacks were served. I didn't join the party, so don't know about the quality and what was served. But I can see crowd swelling many folds at the time of snacks.

September 2, 2019

Ganesh Chaturthi was observed and a temple was resurrected in back lawns of society, near the club. Ganeshji came, stayed for few days and gone. He sat alone for most of the time. The aarti time saw lots of hustle and bustle in morning and evening. Many activities were curated for children. I being a non ritualistic person avoid being part of such religious celebrations directly. The beauty of living in an apartment building is that you can enjoy the action around by not being directly involved and still feel being part of the festivities.

September 29, 2019

And then comes the festive 9 nights of dancing from 29th September. A Navratri committee is created which sees all the arrangements and celebrations. I can sense that most of the members of this committee are being repeated as one can see the dearth of new ideas and repetitiveness which has become boring now.

The 9 nights of fun have gone by and the garba enthusiasts are lighter by few kilograms while others have updated themselves on socialising. The food served by OH foodprenuers was a good move to serve a clean home cooked food  and support the local enterprenuers. The variety and quality of food this time was better.

On navami, society served dinner. Dinner menu was soup, paneer, mix vegetable, boondi raita (sweet) , daal, rice , poori and tandoori roti. Gulab jamun  and ice-cream were the 2 desserts served.  Like last  year, only 2 counters were created which resulted in long lines. Why can't more counters be created for the convenience of diners? And a non stop announcement about no wastage of food and keep the society clean was a pain in the neck.  Anyway food tasted fine and I am not thinking about the hygienic conditions maintained while preparing and cooking food. 🤐

Every flat was given 4 dinner coupons of Rs.250 each. But any additional coupon can be bought for Rs. 100. Is there something to be read between the lines? Just wondering "why so". 😕

8 October 2019

On Dussehra morning, as per the ritual , fafda- jalebi was served early morning from 8 am. As the organisers were making an issue about taking them home and want people to eat there, we give it a miss as we can't eat this so early in the morning. But why are they making this issue is beyond my comprehension. They can stop taking their crockery  back home but if some one gets it in their own dabbas , why stop it? Or why not serve them in paper plates? I guess, those in the authority can feel power by depriving others. As per sociologist, this is the trait of very poor leadership. Denying and depriving others while in decision making position is an example of leadership gone kaput. 

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